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Sample Grants

Grant Information
Title of grant: Evidence for Action: Approaches to Advance Gender Equity From Around the Globe
Organization offering the grant: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Abstract: The goal of this funding opportunity is to translate and adapt knowledge from around the world to the United States on approaches that can improve health or the determinants of health by improving gender equity. In the United States, determinants of health relate to personal safety, economic opportunity, education access (post-secondary or beyond), supportive workplace and social environments, and protection from bias and discrimination for vulnerable groups. We are especially interested in understanding how to change systems, norms, and practices—such as patriarchy and heterosexism—that systematically disfavor women, girls, and other groups based on gender or sexual identity. Specifically, we seek to learn from initiatives underway outside the United States whose effectiveness is supported or suggested by empirical evidence and that have the potential to be adapted and implemented in the United States.
Categories: Underserved/At-Risk, Public Health and Policy, Access to Care, International Health, Basic Research, Women's Health
Eligible Applicants: Awards will be made to organizations, not individuals. Eligible organizations include academic institutions, public entities, private nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and for-profit organizations that have a demonstrated history of administering grant awards and managing project funds. See remaining eligibility and selection criteria in the Call for Proposals (pages 3 and 4 of 8)
Deadline Date: 8-26-2020
Special Notes:
Funding Amount: Awards will be between $100,000 – $250,000 each
Contact Information
Name: Erin Hagan

E-mail: evidenceforaction@ucsf.edu
Phone: 415) 502-3490
Web URL: http://my.rwjf.org/viewCfp.do?cfp=1523

Grant Information
Title of grant: (RFA-AI-20-035) Martin Delaney Collaboratories for HIV Cure Research (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Organization offering the grant: National Institutes of Health
Abstract: The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to address the problem of HIV persistence in people living with HIV treated with suppressive antiretroviral drug regimens. This FOA will support coordinated basic, clinical, and applied research focused on developing strategies to achieve an HIV cure, defined as either sustained viral remission or eradication of HIV infection. While some aspect of clinical research is required, unlike the previous iteration of this RFA, clinical trials will no longer be supported. The application must include at least one private sector entity to facilitate rapid translation of basic discovery research into therapeutic development and testing. Collaboratory research should be milestone-based and should be focused on specific innovative approaches to characterize and quantify persistent HIV-1 reservoirs and/or understand and predict post-treatment control of viral rebound, identify and test therapeutic strategies to control viral rebound after discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy, and identify and test strategies to eradicate or permanently inactivate rebound-competent HIV.
Categories: Clinical Research, Infectious Disease, HIV/AIDS Prevention, Basic Research, HIV/AIDS Research, Virology
Eligible Applicants: Special district governments Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education For profit organizations other than small businesses Independent school districts Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments) Small businesses Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities Public and State controlled institutions of higher education State governments Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) Private institutions of higher education City or township governments County governments Others
Deadline Date: 12-07-2020
Special Notes:
Funding Amount: Award Ceiling: $3,500,000
Contact Information
Name: Shimian Zou

E-mail: shimian.zou@nih.gov
Phone: 301-827-8301
Web URL: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-file

Grant Information
Title of grant: (HHS-2020-IHS-IPP-0001) Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program
Organization offering the grant: Indian Health Service
Abstract: The purpose of this Indian Health Service (IHS) cooperative agreement is to address the disparity in injury rates by encouraging Tribes to implement focused, community-based injury prevention programs and projects using evidence-based strategies. Injury prevention evidence-based strategies are prevention methods that have been scientifically evaluated and proven to prevent injuries, including strategic changes to the environment (for example, roadways, elder homes for fall hazards, smoke alarms) and strategies to promote behavior change (such as car seat use, float coat use). Injury prevention programs and projects are most effective when based on these model practices. The use of well-planned, promising, and innovative injury prevention strategies is also recommended. Nationally, the leading causes of AI/AN unintentional injury deaths are due to motor vehicle crashes (Trends in Indian Health 2017 Edition, IHS, Division of Program Statistics) and falls are a leading cause of hospitalization for older adults (ages 55+) in several IHS Areas. Motor vehicle related injuries and elder falls are priority areas of the IHS Injury Prevention Program (IPP). To view IHS IPP supported evidence-based and promising strategies visit the IHS IPP website (https://www.ihs.gov/InjuryPrevention/) or Selected Evidence-based Strategies for Preventing Injuries (https://www.ihs.gov/sites/injuryprevention/themes/responsive2017/display_objects/documents/IHS_IPP_Evidence-based_Strategies.pdf).
Categories: Public Health and Policy, Community Health, Injury and Violence Prevention, Native American Health
Eligible Applicants: Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments) Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education Others
Deadline Date: 10-01-2020
Special Notes:
Funding Amount: Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,900,000
Contact Information
Name: Paul E Gettys

E-mail: Paul.Gettys@ihs.gov
Phone: 301-443-2114
Web URL: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2020-1318


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